Swap (DEX)
Decentralized exchange (Now available)
Your digital assets are just a click away
With access to 1 000+ cryptocurrency pairs, here are some benefits of the Ago DEX:
Trade at the best rates. Trading fee: up to 0.20%.
Trade with the lowest slippage in the market.
Be the only custodian of your crypto by owning your funds.
User-friendly, making swapping easier than ever.
The ability to swap your crypto via the app makes life that much easier. This enables spot investment (buy and hold) and more efficiency in the DeFi market.
The Ago DEX acts as a liquidity aggregator. We work with major DEXs (e.g PancakeSwap, Uniswap and SushiSwap) to offer your liquidity on our DEX. By doing so, you can trade 1 000+ cryptocurrency pairs at the best rates on the market.
To learn how to swap, visit: Swapping.